Lookup SA NIN

Lookup South Africa NIN

This endpoint allows developers to fetch customers details using the National Identification Number (NIN) of the customer




AppIdstringyou would need to create an app to get your app ID
Authorizationstringpublic secret key e.g prod_sk_1T1eSavlZxy02OT3OWlvbxK4G

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
nin * string A valid nin required

Response Sample

    "entity": {
        "nin": "70123456789",
        "firstname": "John",
        "middlename": "Doe",
        "surname": "Alamutu",
        "maidenname": "",
        "telephoneno": "08012345678",
        "state": "Ekiti",
        "place": "ADO ",
        "profession": "STUDENT",
        "title": "mr",
        "height": "****",
        "email": "",
        "birthdate": "01-01-1982",
        "birthstate": "Ekiti",
        "birthcountry": "nigeria",
        "centralID": "5227123",
        "documentno": "",
        "educationallevel": "tertiary",
        "employmentstatus": "",
        "nok_firstname": "John 2",
        "nok_lastname": "Doe 2",
        "nok_middlename": "",
        "nok_address1": "Address of NOK",
        "nok_address2": "",
        "nok_lga": "Garki",
        "nok_state": "Abuja",
        "nok_town": "Garki",
        "nok_postalcode": "",
        "othername": "",
        "pfirstname": "",
        "photo": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAgGBgc...",
        "pmiddlename": "",
        "psurname": "",
        "nspokenlang": "YORUBA",
        "ospokenlang": "ENGLISH",
        "religion": "christianity",
        "residence_Town": "IKOTUN EGBE",
        "residence_lga": "Alimosho",
        "residence_state": "Lagos",
        "residencestatus": "birth",
        "residence_AddressLine1": null,
        "residence_AddressLine2": "26 Billion STREET AGODO AREA",
        "self_origin_lga": "Alimosho",
        "self_origin_place": "",
        "self_origin_state": "Lagos",
        "signature": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAlgCWAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQ...",
        "nationality": "",
        "gender": "m",
        "trackingId": "S7Y0NYFD12347WS"