How to Generate Widget

This is a react.js library for implementing the dojah KYC widget.

Step 1: Start using react-dojah in your project by running

npm install react-dojah --save
yarn add react-dojah --save

Reference :


❗️Adding the async attribute can cause the inline code to return undefined because the library may not be available at that moment. So avoid the use of async and defer for now.

Step 2: Configure the Javascript Client Library

At this stage, you can now create a Dojah widget object by passing in your public key and Application Id in your preferred configuration options.

React JS
import React from 'react'
import Dojah from 'react-dojah'

const App = () => {
   *  This is your app ID
   * (go to your dashboard at
   * to create an app and retrieve it)
  const appID = "";

   *  This is your account public key
   *  (go to your dashboard at
   * to
   *  retrieve it. You can also regenerate one)
  const publicKey = "";

   *  This is the widget type you'd like to load
   *  (go to your dashboard at
   * to enable different
   *  widget types)
  const type = "custom";

  const config = {
  	widget_id: "" //this is generated from easyonboard here

   *  These are the user's data to verify, options
   *  available to you possible options are:
   *  {first_name: STRING, last_name: STRING, dob: DATE STRING}
   *  NOTE: Passing all the values will automatically skip
   *  the user-data page (thus the commented out `last_name`)
  const userData = {
    first_name: {$first_name}, //Optional
    last_name: {$last_name}, //Optional
    dob: {$dob}, //YYYY-MM-DD Optional
    residence_country: 'NG', //Optional
    email: {$email}//optional

   const govData = {
    nin: '',
    bvn: '',
    dl: '',
    mobile: '',

   *  These are the metadata options
   *  You can pass any values within the object
  const metadata = {
    user_id: '121',

   * @param {String} type
   * This method receives the type
   * The type can only be one of:
   * loading, begin, success, error, close
   * @param {String} data
   * This is the data from doja
  const response = (type, data) => {
    console.log(type, data);
    if(type === 'success'){
    }else if(type === 'error'){
    }else if(type === 'close'){
    }else if(type === 'begin'){
    }else if(type === 'loading'){

  // The Dojah library accepts 3 props and
  // initiliazes the doja widget and connect process
  return (

export default App
typestringWidget Type: Values are ‘custom’, ‘verification’, ‘identification’, ‘verification’, ‘liveness’
app_idstringApplication Id, Get it from your dojah application dashboard here
p_keystringPublic Key, Get it from your dojah application dashboard here
reference_idstringReference ID, It can be passed to keep track of the verification steps (Started, Ongoing, Successful). NB: reference_id character length must be greater than 10
widget_idstringWidget ID, Get it from your Easy Onboard application dashboard here
user_dataobjectAutomatically update the user data page, and thus skip the page
gov_dataobjectAutomatically update the government data page, and thus skip the page
metadataobjectYour application’s metadata to be passed back to you via webhook, onSuccess, or onError
onSuccessfunctionThis is called when your user has successfully completed enrollment with their preferred institution. The sample response data below is passed to the widget
onErrorfunctionThis is called when your user was unable to successfully complete enrollment.
onClosefunctionThis is called when the widget is closed.

Step 3: Handle a Successful Enrollment

On successful enrollment, the _onSuccess _callback function that you supplied is called by the client library. We then return the connected account code to your server.

Kindly use the overall status (response.status (Boolean, i.e true or false)) to ascertain if the request failed or succeeded.


Webhook Notifications

You can receive the same data below (also passed to onSuccess and onError) via a webhook call.

Register your url for webhook calls here and ensure kyc.widget is the service you are subscribed to.

In Config object Kindly set webhook object value to true (Boolean)

Example : webhook : true

The Sample response data after successful verification

    aml: {
        status: false
    data: {
        id: {
            data: {
                id_url: "",
                id_data: {
                    extras: "",
                    last_name: "John",
                    first_name: "Doe",
                    mrz_status: "",
                    date_issued: "2019-01-01",
                    expiry_date: "2020-01-01",
                    middle_name: "",
                    nationality: "Nigerian",
                    date_of_birth: "1990-01-01",
                    document_type: "National ID",
                    document_number: "123456789"
                back_url: ""
            status: true,
            message: "Successfully verified your id"
        email: {
            data: {
                email: ""
            status: true,
            message: " validation Successful"
        index: {
            data: {},
            status: true,
            message: "Successfully continued to the main checks."
        selfie: {
            data: {
                selfie_url: ""
            status: true,
            message: "Successfully validated your liveness"
        countries: {
            data: {
                country: "Nigeria"
            status: true,
            message: "Successfully continued to the next step."
        user_data: {
            data: {
                dob: "1990-12-03",
                last_name: "John",
                first_name: "Doe"
            status: true,
            message: ""
        business_id: {
            image_url: "",
            business_name: "ABC Company LIMITED",
            business_type: "Business",
            business_number: "1237654",
            business_address: "",
            registration_date: ""
        phone_number: {
            data: {
                phone: "234810123456"
            status: true,
            message: "2348103817187 validation Successful"
        business_data: {
            business_name: null,
            business_type: "BN",
            business_number: null,
            business_address: null,
            registration_date: null
        government_data: {
            data: {
                bvn: {
                    entity: {
                        bvn: "222222222222",
                        nin: "",
                        email: "",
                        title: "",
                        gender: "Male",
                        customer: "6bb82c41-e15e-4308-b99d-e9640818eca9",
                        image_url: "",
                        last_name: "John",
                        first_name: "Doe",
                        middle_name: "Anon",
                        nationality: "",
                        name_on_card: "",
                        watch_listed: "",
                        date_of_birth: "01-Jun-1982",
                        lga_of_origin: "",
                        phone_number1: "08011111111",
                        phone_number2: "",
                        marital_status: "",
                        enrollment_bank: "",
                        state_of_origin: "",
                        level_of_account: "",
                        lga_of_residence: "",
                        enrollment_branch: "",
                        registration_date: "",
                        state_of_residence: "",
                        residential_address: ""
               nin: {
                entity: {
                nin: "1234567891",
                firstname: "John",
                middlename: "Doe",
                surname: "Anon",
                maidenname: "",
                telephoneno: "0901234567",
                state: "",
                place: "",
                profession: "ZOOLOGY",
                title: "",
                height: "167",
                email: "",
                birthdate: "1960-01-01",
                birthstate: "",
                birthcountry: "Not Available",
                centralID: "",
                documentno: "",
                educationallevel: "tertiary",
                employmentstatus: "unemployed",
                othername: "",
                pfirstname: "",
                pmiddlename: "",
                psurname: "",
                nspokenlang: "YORUBA",
                ospokenlang: "",
                religion: "christianity",
                residence_Town: "",
                residence_lga: "Alimosho",
                residence_state: "Lagos",
                residencestatus: "birth",
                residence_AddressLine1: "No 2 Anon house, John does estate, Lagos state, Nigeria",
                residence_AddressLine2: "",
                self_origin_lga: "",
                self_origin_place: "",
                self_origin_state: "",
                signature: null,
                nationality: null,
                gender: "Female",
                trackingId: "",
                customer: "1234444y373737373737373737",
                image_url: ""
            status: true,
            message: ""
        additional_document: [
                document_url: "",
                document_type: "image"
    value: "123456",
    id_url: "",
    status: true,
    id_type: "BVN",
    message: "Successfully completed the verification.",
    back_url: "",
    metadata: {
        ipinfo: {
            as: "AS29465 MTN NIGERIA Communication limited",
            isp: "MTN NIGERIA Communication limited",
            lat: 6.4474,
            lon: 3.3903,
            org: "MTN Nigeria",
            zip: "",
            city: "Lagos",
            proxy: false,
            query: "",
            mobile: true,
            status: "success",
            country: "Nigeria",
            hosting: true,
            district: "",
            timezone: "Africa/Lagos",
            region_name: "Lagos"
        device_info: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
    selfie_url: "",
    reference_id: "DJ-31038041E0",
    verification_url: "",
    verification_mode: "LIVENESS",
    verification_type: "RC-NUMBER",
    verification_value: "123456",
    verification_status: "Completed"


How to retrieve the Selfie Photo

There’s a response object that is sent to the client via the widget launcher on success or failure
selfieUrl and idUrl under selfie and id in the success response objects, which holds the final selfie capture and id capture respectively.