
Authorizationstringpublic secret key GG

Ingest URL

Kindly check here about the guide on how to Connect a Flow

Request Body Template

Bank Transaction

         "id": "87554303-3f75-4883-8fb8-48fce003859f",
         "time": 1670843705391,
         "amount": 8291,
         "currency": "xaf",
         "ref": "xaf",
         "session_id": "xaf",
         "type": "deposit",
         "channel": "paystack" 
         "name":"Trevor Arias",
         "account_name": "John Doe",
         "bank_name": "",
         "account_number": "",
         "country": ""
         "account_name": "Paystack",
         "bank_name": "",
         "account_number": "",
         "country": ""
         "model":"Pixel 7",
         "city":"North Sarah",
         "street":"6238 Walker Unions Suite 802",
     "meta": [
        {"key": "value"}

Card Transaction

         "id": "87554303-3f75-4883-8fb8-48fce003859f",
         "time": 1670843705391,
         "amount": 8291,
         "currency": "xaf",
         "ref": "xaf",
         "session_id": "xaf",
         "type": "deposit",
         "channel": "paystack" 
         "name":"Trevor Arias",
         "payment_id": "9931fac0-6bfa-4b3c-842c",
         "method_type": "card",
         "scheme": "Visa",
         "card_last_four": "9876",
         "expiry_month": "10",
         "expiry_year": "25",
         "name_on_card": "John Buchanan",
         "billing_address": {
           "city": "North Sarah",
           "street": "6238 Walker Unions Suite 802",
           "country": "Morocco"
         "model":"Pixel 7",
         "city": "North Sarah",
         "street": "6238 Walker Unions Suite 802",
         "country": "Morocco"
     "meta": [
        {"key": "value"}

webhook notification response

    event: {
        meta: [
                transaction_id: "Dojah-20231111085937073"
        user: {
            name: "Maplerad-Provarex-Acc  None",
            email: "",
            mobile: "None",
            user_id: "4ac1bc59-34ad-485a-bda5-eb406a49a411",
            registration_time: "1696421468798421"
        device: {
            os: "Android",
            type: "mobile",
            model: "Pixel 7",
            language: "en/US",
            device_id: "ff97adb7-8d3d-4f15-94df-87e21e1212de",
            ip_address: ""
        sender: {
            country: "NG",
            bank_name: "",
            account_name: "Paystack",
            account_number: "1017692813"
        address: {
            city: "Lagos",
            street: "Ikeja",
            country: "Nigeria"
        receiver: {
            country: "NG",
            bank_name: "VFD_NEW",
            account_name: "",
            account_number: "1029283851"
        transaction: {
            id: "Dojah-20231111085937073",
            ref: "Dojah-20231111085937073",
            time: "1699693180085313",
            type: "deposit",
            amount: 300,
            channel: "transfer",
            currency: "NGN",
            session_id: "Dojah-20231111085937073"
    score: 30,
    decision: {
        action: "Allow",
        rule_status: false
    behavioral: {
        UnusualTimeTransactions: {
            state: true,
            description: "User transaction time is outside of normal business hours"
        AbnormalTransactionVolume: {
            state: true,
            description: "User has abnormally high transaction volume of 34 within a short period"