AML Screening Individual


AppIdstringyou would need to create an app to get your app ID
Authorizationstringpublic secret key e.g prod_sk_1T1eSavlZxy02OT3OWlvbxK4G

Body parameters

POST ParameterTypeDescription
first_namestringFirst Name, e.g John
middle_namestringMiddle Name, e.g Anon
last_namestringLast Name, e.g Doe
date_of_birthstringDate of birth , e.g 1990-08-10
match_scoreintegerName Match Scores ranges from 0% to 100 %, which determine the accuracy of the match result

Sample response

  "matchResults": [
      "matchType": "Individual",
      "name": "John Anon Doe",
      "nameMatchScore": 80,
      "profileId": "WC2095906"