AppIdstringyou would need to create an app to get your app ID
Authorizationstringpublic secret key

Query parameter

email_addressstringemail of user

Sample response

  "entity": {
    "email": "johndoe@gmail.com",
    "reputation": "high",
    "suspicious": false,
    "references": 178,
    "details": {
      "blacklisted": false,
      "malicious_activity": false,
      "malicious_activity_recent": false,
      "credentials_leaked": true,
      "credentials_leaked_recent": false,
      "data_breach": true,
      "first_seen": "07/01/2008",
      "last_seen": "03/22/2021",
      "domain_exists": true,
      "domain_reputation": "n/a",
      "new_domain": false,
      "days_since_domain_creation": 9474,
      "suspicious_tld": false,
      "spam": false,
      "free_provider": true,
      "disposable": false,
      "deliverable": true,
      "accept_all": false,
      "valid_mx": true,
      "primary_mx": "gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com",
      "spoofable": true,
      "spf_strict": true,
      "dmarc_enforced": false,
      "profiles": [

Test Credentials for Sandbox

Kindly use this Test Email in sandbox Environment

Email Address = johndoe@gmail.com