User Onboarding - When opening an account, customers want a fast, secure onboarding process. Identity verification plays a critical role in ensuring the person opening an account is indeed who they say they are and not a criminal using stolen identity data.

Compliance - As global regulatory requirements and competition tightens, it is imperative to meet Compliance requirements without sacrificing the user experience. Compliance requirements and needs can also vary depending on the country or industry our customers are in. Dojah’s technology uses innovative machine learning to quickly and accurately verify a user’s identity. We keep tabs on the ever changing regulatory requirements, ensuring our customers are always compliant every step of the way.

AML & Fraud detection - Our Anti-Money Laundering (AML) solution allows businesses to easily investigate suspicious activity and file regulatory reports. By adopting identity and document verification solutions, we can stay in compliance and demonstrate to regulators just how seriously we take financial crime.

Biometric Authentication - Biometric authentication helps protect users from account takeover through the simple act of taking a selfie which ensures that the person logging in, is in fact, the account owner. This provides an extra layer of account security.

Business Verification - Dojah provides companies with a quick and easy way to verify businesses through document identification. We provide an automated solution for businesses to comply with AML requirements designed to stop corruption, money laundering and the funding of illegal activities. Businesses upload their CAC document, Dojah uses AI to automatically and accurately extract business information, like business name, type of business & RC number to verify business.