You would need to register a sender ID with the endpoint mentioned below. All messages sent before then will be delivered with the default sender ID


AppIdstringyou would need to create an app to get your app ID
Authorizationstringpublic secret key e.g prod_sk_1T1eSavlZxy02OT3OWlvbxK4G

Body parameter

sender_id *stringregistered Sender IDrequired
destination *stringPhone number of recipient for Whatsapp, Voice and SMSrequired
channel *stringcan be either whatsapp, sms, voice, and emailrequired
emailstringEmail Recipient for Email OTPoptional
expiry *integernumber of minutes before token becomes Invalid. Default is 10optional
lengthintegerlength of token(4 to 10 characters), default is 6 charactersoptional
prioritybooleanindicate if you want to send in priority mode. Default is falseoptional
otpintegerlength of token should be between 4-10 digits which is optionaloptional


There is the priority feature. You can automatically resend messages via any of the channels if one doesn’t get delivered. If the priority is set to true, the default setup is sms, whatsapp, and then voice. You can choose to set it however way you want in the channel parameter.

You can decide to use the OTP parameter send OTP, instead of the generated one.

Sample response

  "entity": {
    "reference_id": "edd37ab5-48ec-4481-8cf9-ba5chu7c41f7",
    "destination": "2348012345678",
    "status": "SMS sent successfully"

Test Credentials for Sandbox

Kindly use this Test OTP in sandbox Environment

OTP = 1234