A Dojah created application entails Application Unique ID known as App ID which allows you to use tools such as Easy connect, Easy lookup, integrate with our APIโ€™s Endpoints and KYC widgets using an App Id and public key

An App ID will always be required to make API calls. So letโ€™s get you one with the following steps:

  1. Go to your โ€œDevelopersโ€ Dropdown tab, Click on โ€œConfigurationsโ€ .

  2. From your โ€œConfigurationsโ€ page, create an app by clicking on โ€œMy Appsโ€ or use this link.

  3. Your appID is the alphanumeric characters in the box titled your app name.

While awaiting activation, you can start building in the sandbox environment using your appID.

App Page

Create Application Page

๐Ÿ“˜ Steps Involved in Getting verified

However, your account must be activated with a verified status to integrate in the live environment.

  • Click on this link to get verified.

  • Go to Settings/profile Section of your Application.

  • Go to Company Information Tab on Settings Page.

  • Complete the Company Information Form by filling the necessary details like Company name, Registration number, Industry, Website and Address.

  • Click Save Changes button Submit Company Information.

  • Go to Verifications Tab on Settings Page.

  • Click Request Verification button to Successfully submit verification request

Company Information Page

Company Information Page

Request Verification Page