Lookup CAC (Basic, Advance)

This endpoint allows developers to fetch CAC information of customers' company/organization.
CAC is a certificate that shows evidence of the company's existence.



There are two payload responses for this endpoint based on the details returned

  • Basic
  • Advance

CAC Basic




AppIdstringyou would need to create an app to get your app ID

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
rc_number * string RC number required
company_name * string name of company required

Response Sample

  "entity": {
    "rc_number": "1261103",
    "company_name": "ADAFRUIT LIMITED",
    "address": "NO 37 GIBSON ROAD UBEJI",
    "date_of_registration": "2015-05-15",
    "type_of_company": "COMPANY"
curl -L -X GET '{{baseUrl}}/kyc/cac/advance?class=advance&rc={rc_number}&type={type}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: SECRET_KEY'

CAC Advance

This endpoint allows one to resolve premium CAC details using RC number, It returns information on company's board of directors




AppIdstringyou would need to create an app to get your app ID

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
rc * string RC number required
class * string class value is premium required
type * string type can have the value of co, bn, it required

Response Sample

  "entity": {
    "Branch_Address": "No 42, Ewegbemi Bustop, Command Road, Lagos State.",
    "City": "",
    "Classification": "BUSINESS NAME",
    "Date_of_Registration": "2018-09-18T20:57:01.413+00:00",
    "Email": "",
    "Head_Office_Address": "",
    "LGA": "Alimosho",
    "Name_of_Company": "HAPPY DELI GRILLS",
    "Number_of_Affiliates": "1",
    "RC_Number": "2653386",
    "Share_capital": "",
    "Share_capital_in_words": "",
    "State": "LAGOS",
    "Status": "INACTIVE",
    "Type_of_Company": "BUSINESS_NAME",
    "affiliates": [
        "accreditationnumber": "111111111",
        "address": "No 12, Adejumo Street, Last Bus stop, Meiran, Lagos State. ",
        "affiliateType": "PROPRIETOR",
        "city": "Lagos",
        "companyId": 4927923,
        "companyName": "Dojah Inc",
        "companyRcNumber": "11111111",
        "corporateName": "Dojah Inc",
        "corporateRcNumber": "1111111",
        "corporationName": "Dojah Inc",
        "countryName": "NIGERIA",
        "dateOfAppointment": "06-04-2018",
        "dateOfBirth": "01-04-1986",
        "dateOfTermination": null,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "firstname": "Yetunde ",
        "formerFirstName": null,
        "formerName": null,
        "formerNationality": null,
        "formerOtherName": null,
        "formerSurname": null,
        "gender": "FEMALE",
        "id": 11547811,
        "identityNumber": "A25182063",
        "identityType": "Permanent Voters' Card",
        "isChairman": false,
        "isCorporate": false,
        "lga": null,
        "name": "Olaofe, Yetunde  Ayobami",
        "nationality": "Nigerian",
        "occupation": "Businesswoman",
        "otherDirectorshipDetails": null,
        "othername": "Ayobami",
        "phoneNumber": "07068774478",
        "postcode": null,
        "rcNumber": null,
        "searchScore": null,
        "shareAllotted": null,
        "shareType": null,
        "state": "LAGOS",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "streetNumber": null,
        "surname": "Olaofe",
        "uuid": null
    "imageReport": "https://dojah.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/images/9cb091fe39054148a8e2b07177b7f408.pdf"
  "message": "Cac not found"