SA National ID

Lookup SA National ID

This endpoint allows you to Lookup a South African National ID.




AppIdstringyou would need to create an app to get your app ID
Authorizationstringpublic secret key e.g prod_sk_1T1eSavlZxy02OT3OWlvbxK4G

Query Params

Parameter Type Description
id_number * string South African National ID Number required
with_photo boolean default is false

Response Sample

    "entity": {
       "birth_place_country": "SOUTH AFRICA",
       "birth_place_country_code": "ZAF",
       "booked_date": "2017-11-23",
       "card_date": "2017-11-23",
       "date_of_birth": "1999-06-10",
       "full_name": "PULENG KHUMALO",
       "gender": "Female",
       "id_blocked": "NO",
       "id_number": "9906123456789",
       "issued_date": "2017-11-23",
       "last_name": "KHUMALO",
       "maiden_name": "",
       "marital_status": "SINGLE",
       "on_HANIS": "YES",
       "on_NPR": "YES",
       "photo": "BASE 64 IMAGE",
       "smart_card_issued": "YES"
  "message": "national_id not found"