Spending Pattern

This endpoint gives insights on users' spending habits based on transactions, and it comes in percentages.
To get Spending Pattern




AppIdstringyou would need to create an app to get your app ID
Authorizationstringpublic secret key e.g prod_sk_1T1eSavlZxy02OT3OWlvbxK4G

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
account_id * string account ID gotten from the widget required
duration string can be 6_months, 12_months, 24_months only optional

Respose Sample

    "entity": {
        "pattern": {
            "Others": {
                "sum": 398924.72,
                "count": 43,
                "percentage": 89.1006424877234
            "Food": {
                "sum": 20000,
                "count": 1,
                "percentage": 4.4670404224498
            "Airtime/Data": {
                "sum": 14598.01,
                "count": 25,
                "percentage": 3.26049503786632
            "Bank Transfer": {
                "sum": 13315,
                "count": 3,
                "percentage": 2.973932161245954
            "Charges": {
                "sum": 886,
                "count": 27,
                "percentage": 0.19788989071452615
curl -L -X GET '{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/financial/spending_pattern?account_id={{account_id}}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: SECRET_KEY'
-H 'AppId: APP_ID'