Verify US Individual

Verify US Identity in real time

Dojah's Identity US API helps to verify the address and SSN of an individual




AppIdstringyou would need to create an app to get your app ID
Authorizationstringpublic secret key e.g prod_sk_1T1eSavlZxy02OT3OWlvbxK4G


Parameter Type Description
first_name * string required
last_name * string required
address_street_1 * string required
address_street_2 string
address_city string Conditional: required if zipcode is not present
address_state string Conditional: required if zipcode is not present
address_zip_code string Conditional: not required if city and state are present
identity_number_type * string "'SSN9' or 'SSN4'" required
identity_number * string required

Response Sample

  "entity": {
    "id-number": 4655255784,
    "results": {
      "key": "result.match",
      "message": "ID Located"
    "summary-result": {
      "key": "id.success",
      "message": "PASS"