AppIdstringCreate an app to get your app ID on dashboard here
Authorizationstringpublic secret key

Query parameter

id *stringThe Voter ID numberrequired
new_voterbooleanWhether this is a 2020 issued voter ID or the older ID. This is by default false until 1 September 2021, then it would be true by default.optional
full_namestringThe full name of the document holder as it appears on the IDoptional

Sample response

    entity: {
    		"id": "123456789",
    		"full_name": "JOHN DOE",
    		"date_of_birth": "25",
    		"gender": "M",
    		"polling_station": "C121402",
    		"registration_date": "2012-09-04",
    		"picture": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
    		"is_full_name_match": true