To ensure that your customer is who they say they are, you can allow them take a selfie photo which you can pass on to the Dojah for verification process

This helps to significantly reduce the possibility of fraud by confirming the person inputting the BVN is who they say they really are



AppIdstringyou would need to create an app to get your app ID
Authorizationstringpublic secret key e.g prod_sk_1T1eSavlZxy02OT3OWlvbxK4G

Body parameters

selfie_image REQUIREDstringBase64 value of the selfie image NB: Kindly truncate data:image/jpeg;base64, from the selfie_image object and pass only the buffer starting with /9.
bvn REQUIREDstringA Valid BVN Number

πŸ“˜ NB : Confidence Values ranges from 0% to 100 %

0% - 90% denote match value is false
90% -100% denote match value is true


    "entity": {
        "bvn": "1234567890",
        "first_name": "JOHN",
        "middle_name": "ANON",
        "last_name": "DOE",
        "date_of_birth": "01-January-1907",
        "phone_number1": "08103817187",
        "phone_number2": "",
        "gender": "Male",
        "image": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKD...",
        "selfie_verification": {
            "confidence_value": 99.99620056152344,
            "match": true
        "selfie_image_url": ""

Test Credentials for Sandbox

Kindly use this Test BVN in sandbox Environment

bvn = 22222222222